November 7, 2012

Picture book badge courtesy of illustrator Ward Jenkin - isn't it cute?

It's PiBoIdMo!

Picture Book Idea Month

2012 Registration ends today!

November 7

I just stumbled upon this awesome challenge myself, so hurry up and check it out!

What it is in a nutshell - 30-picture-book-ideas-in-30-days challenge!
Those who sign-up for Picture Book Idea Month will be eligible for prizes—like feedback from one of four literary agents and critiques from picture book editors...Plus more to come!
You can follow along after today, but only those who sign up by November 7, 2012, will be be in the running for the prizes. Guest speakers started posting already, and it looks like this is going to be fun - and very informative. Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. Dearest sweet Lori, happy new year! I hope you had a wonderful celebration and a good start to the new year! Love to you!


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